给大金空气传感器刷ESPHome固件 | Geek DAIKIN Air Sensor meets ESPHome & Home Assistant

大金空气传感器简介 | Daikin Air Sensor Introduction


In fact, there are only four simple abiotic factors that affect our living environment: light, temperature, air and water. While we are working hard to improve our life, we are beginning to realize the importance of these factors. Three years ago, when I started planning to decorate my new house, the quality of light, temperature, air and water became one of my primary concerns.

广州的夏天很热很漫长,为了给全屋提供舒适的温度,经过反复的对比后我选用了大金VRV-N系列的家用中央空调系统,而作为当时系统附带的几个空气传感器,却成为了我经常用来监测重要区域空气质量的数据来源,它能提供温度、湿度、PM2.5、CO2、TVOC这五个关键性数据。可是,它必须配合大金的原装网关来使用,并且只能使用大金自己的APP“金制空气”来查看这些数据,而这些数据仅仅只是能够查看,并无法通过既定好的逻辑来联动和控制我家中的新风系统和地暖系统,甚至它自己的空调系统也无法联动。所以,有一天我随手拔掉了一个大金空气传感器并把它大卸八块,结果发现它的内部做工精良,用料讲究,使用了业内知名的一些传感器组件,故萌发了刷机改造的念头,也就有了这一番的折腾和这篇文章,让我们一起一步一步的拆解和改造大金空气传感器,给它重新刷机,使它能够基于ESPHome的平台接入Home Assistant智能家居系统或者苹果HomeKit系统,实现与其他设备的互联,通过自动化场景来联动相关设备,发挥出它应有的价值!

The summer in Guangzhou is very hot and long. In order to provide a comfortable temperature for the whole house, after repeated comparisons, I chose Daikin VRV-N series home central air-conditioning system, several DAIKIN air sensors attached to the system after that, they became the data source that I often use to monitor the air quality in important areas. It can provide five key data of temperature, humidity, PM2.5, CO2, and TVOC. However, it must be used with Daikin’s original gateway, and can only use Daikin’s APP “Golden Air” to view these data, and these data can only be viewed, cannot be linked with established logic to control the ventilation system and heating system in my house, and even its own air conditioning system cannot be linked. So, one day I unplugged a Daikin air sensor and disassembled it, I found that its internal manufacturing is excellent, the key electronic parts are exquisite, and some well-known sensor components are used, so the idea was born, let us geeking the Daikin air sensor step by step, re-flash it so that it can be connected to the Home Assistant based on the ESPHome platform or Apple’s HomeKit system, and links related devices through automation scenarios!
